Ekaterina Kitáeva in the press
""Profound melancholy... She performed twelve preludes from Scriabin's opus 11 with great sensitivity, ranging from pithy and powerful to lyrical and tender."
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
"Her playing is of rarely achieved beauty and sensational perfection.
...the original taming seemed so fresh and unspent, as if the pianist was discovering the moments of playing for the first time. Her wonderful playing is literally unheard of, as it makes one discover the pieces in a completely new way.
... bravos and ovations at the end - the audience spontaneously stood up, paying homage to the artist's fantastic playing."
(Darmstädter Echo)
"Ekaterina Kitáeva thrilled her audience... gave a brilliant and powerful concert.... played with devotion."
(Weser Kurier)
"Emotionally and never obtrusively, she let the melody ring out over the lower voices and played sensitively with tempo and dynamics.
...standing ovations and long-lasting applause were the reward for a truly successful romantic Midsummer Night's Dream in Castle Fechenbach."
(Offenbach Post)
"The talent she possesses enabled her to reach an exceptional artistic level."
(Le Courrier Francais
"Ekaterina Kitáeva's playing is constantly full of life, light and passion, creating an atmosphere of spiritual and aesthetic ectasy."
(La Depeche Sud-Ouest)
"All pianists today have works by Chopin in their repertoire, but very few achieve such a "Chopinian" sound as Ekaterina Kitáeva does".
"Ekaterina Kitáeva's petite figure emanated extraordinary energy and sensitivity... extreme viruosity... unique sound with a rich palette of timbres."
"Ekaterina Kitáeva is an artist in whom musicality and intelligence, energy and poetry, sensitivity and self-awareness bind into a personality that makes music possible without compromise."
"Gifted pianist ..."
"We have experienced a musical star hour ... All this presented in masterly elegance."
(Sinziger Zeitung)
"Storms of applause for an exceptional talent ... pianist Ekaterina Kitáeva enthralled the audience with impressive virtuosity, rousing energy and passionate devotion to the music.
...with three fast-paced salon waltzes by Frédéric Chopin, the clean technique and beguiling sensitivity with which Ekaterina Kitáeva turned each piece into a soloistic pearl was revealed."
(Bergsträsser Anzeiger)